What We Do

Advocacy Efforts

Advocacy is an important part of Preserve Arkansas’s mission.  As the only statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to saving Arkansas’s architectural and cultural heritage, Preserve Arkansas is often in the thick of the battle.  From saving historic buildings, structures, and sites to promoting preservation-friendly legislation at all levels of government, Preserve Arkansas works diligently to promote preservation efforts across the state. Our executive director serves as Arkansas’s state coordinator at National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week in Washington, DC each spring to advocate for federal preservation priorities that impact us here in Arkansas.

In the Arkansas General Assembly’s last regular legislative session (spring 2023), Preserve Arkansas and our partners were glad to support multiple efforts to improve our State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit.

The credit percentage was increased across the board (from 25%) and is now tiered based on population. For projects completed in cities with a population of less than 10,000 people, the credit is 40%. For projects completed in cities with a population between 10,000 and 50,000, the credit is 35%. For projects completed in cities with a population of 50,000 or greater, the credit is 30%.

The application period for Arkansas’s Major Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit for impactful projects with a minimum of $1.5 million in qualified rehab expenses was extended to June 30, 2030, and $40 million was allocated to fund this particular program.

Do you need assistance with a historic property? Contact us at info@preservearkansas.org or 501-372-4757.