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Nominate a Property to the Most Endangered Places List

Please complete the online form below to nominate a property for the Most Endangered Places List.

The information to be provided on the nomination form includes:

  • Name and address of the property
  • Property owner’s name and address
  • Name, address, and telephone number of person or organization submitting the nomination (to serve as a contact if additional information is needed)
  • Description of the property’s significance and the circumstances that threaten the property’s continued existence
  • Digital photographs clearly showing the current condition of the property

We accept nominations year-round, but the deadline to be considered for inclusion on the 2024 Most Endangered Places List is March 31, 2024. Nominations received after that date will be considered for the 2025 List.

Click here to see a Sample Nomination Form – for informational purposes only

Criteria for Inclusion

The National Register of Historic Places definition of “historic place” is used to explain the types of properties that may be included in the list of Arkansas’s Most Endangered Historic Places: districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture.

To be included in the list of Arkansas’s Most Endangered Historic Places, a property:

  • Must be listed in the National Register or Arkansas Register of Historic Places or be eligible for listing, as determined by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, or must represent a very important aspect of Arkansas’s cultural heritage.
  • Must have national, statewide, or local significance. Properties of national and statewide significance generally will have preference, but locally significant properties also will be given full consideration.
  • Must obviously be threatened. The threat may be neglect, plans that call for the property’s demolition, or other circumstances that clearly threaten the property’s continued existence. The imminence and degree of threats that exist will be important factors in determining whether a property should be included in the list.


The list of Arkansas’s Most Endangered Historic Places is publicized each year through a press conference in May during Arkansas Heritage Month and National Historic Preservation Month. Press packets will be issued to the media in conjunction with the announcement, encouraging TV and radio coverage as well as articles in both statewide and local newspapers.