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National Park Service Grant Opportunities Webinar

Preserve Arkansas is excited to partner with the National Park Service to bring you more information about their historic preservation grant programs. Do you have a project that might be a good fit for the African American Civil Rights, History of Equal Rights, or Underrepresented Communities grant programs? Join us for a talk by Megan Brown, Chief of the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division of the National Park Service, to learn about these funding opportunities and many more. Find out how your organization might serve as a fiscal agent for a partner to take advantage of the grants, and ask questions directly about the application process. 

About Megan J. Brown:
Megan has worked at the National Park Service for 18 years, starting as a Grants Management Specialist, and then spending 10 years as the Certified Local Government (CLG) Coordinator, and now serves as the Chief of the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division located within the Cultural Resources Directorate of the National Park Service in Washington, DC. She is responsible for the management of the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) and the average $80-140 million that it disburses annually to State, Tribal, and local preservation partners. Over 1000 active grants fund annual assistance to States and Tribes, as well as competitive grant programs when funded by Congress like: Underrepresented Communities, African American Civil Rights, Save America’s Treasures, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Her education includes a Bachelor in Architecture from Auburn University and Master in Historic Preservation from the University of South Carolina.  She is an avid equestrian and enjoys time and travel with her family, horses, and friends.

Megan Brown

Watch the YouTube video here or download the PowerPoint here.